Does being a bystander, upstander or ally all mean the same thing or is each completely different?
All of these words mean exactly the same thing
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Bystander, upstander and ally have some tiny differences but essentially are all the same
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Each of these means something completely different
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Bystander, upstander and ally are all different names used to describe the roles people choose when identifying or experiencing social injustices
What do we mean when we talk about a ‘bystander’ on social media?
A bystander is someone who creates conflict online and then disappears when the situation begins to escalate
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A bystander is someone who sees something bad happening but does nothing because they don’t care about anyone else but themselves
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A bystander is an individual who experiences an event or incident as an onlooker or witness and does not act or intervene
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People can remain as bystanders rather than intervening in online conflict for a number of reasons. These can include the fear of being targeted themselves, trauma from previous online experiences or because they find the situation too stressful or overwhelming
What do we mean when we talk about an ‘upstander’ on social media?
Upstanding on social media is about calling out everything you don’t agree with and shouting down all opposition to your opinion
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An upstander will take your side in an argument and encourage others to pile on
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An upstander is someone who chooses to intervene if someone is being bullied, harassed or abused online
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When a bystander commits to intervening or taking action, they transition from being a bystander to an upstander
Are there any risks associated with upstanding online?
Not really. Any risk is justifiable so long as the bullies are called out and other people bully them back to show them how it feels
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No risk at all. Your might is when you’re right
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Yes, there are risks both to the initial target and to the upstander
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Upstanding can escalate the conflict and can also lead to counter-bullying if not done in a considered and responsible way. If escalation occurs, it can leave the initial target feeling responsible and any upstanders involved vulnerable to attack or labelled as bullies
Which of the following do you think would help to upstand in a safe and responsible way?
1. Take control of the situation by telling the person being targeted that you’ll take over the problem from here and start speaking on behalf of them 2. Retaliate with like-for-like abuse to show you are serious and willing to give as good as you get 3. Encourage others to pile-on by tagging in more people until the person behaving as a bully publicly apologises 4. Share the name and personal details of the person behaving as a bully to let everyone know that they are a bully
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1. Fight fire with fire by tagging in your friends to make sure you win the online argument at all costs 2. Tell the initial target of the bullying behavior to stay out of it if they don’t like arguing because things are going to get rough 3. Explain to the person targeted that they need to toughen up or they shouldn’t be using social media 4. Follow the account displaying the bullying behavior on social media and let them know you’ll be watching them from now on
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1. If possible, check with the person being targeted before you intervene publicly. A simple DM to ask them if they are comfortable can help someone feel in control of the situation 2. Try to intervene in a reasoned and rational way. Emotional interventions often lead to the problem escalating further 3. Challenge the conversation and not the person. Personal attacks will result in further conflict 4. Direct anybody requiring extra help to the platform safety center or support organization 5. Report abusive posts and users who might be displaying signs of crisis directly to the platform
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Checking if the person being targeted is comfortable with an intervention, maintaining respectful dialogue without personal attacks and identifying users in crisis can all make a huge difference to the outcome of the situation
What are the benefits of upstanding on social media?
Upstanding is great, it helps you get more followers on social media and people think that you are a really good person
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Upstanding on social media is a great way of making activist friends who enjoy conflict and a bit of trolling
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Being able to help and support people who are bullied, harassed or treated unfairly can change and even save lives
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In addition to potentially changing and saving lives, learning how to engage and support others online even has the power to restore faith in all humanity for the person in need
What do we mean when we talk about an ‘ally’ on social media?
An ally is someone who regularly mentions their commitment to social justice on their social media platforms and encourages their followers to promote their own activities
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Being an ally on social media means intervening when someone is being targeted with bullying or abuse online
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An ally is a person who engages with minority or marginalized groups and individuals in an effort to learn more about their experiences and to understand how to stand in solidarity with them online in an appropriate and effective way
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An ally uses their online platform to show solidarity with under-represented groups or individuals and is open to a process of learning, self-reflection and personal growth required to deepen their understanding of the problems marginalized groups and individuals face
Are there any risks associated with allyship online?
The only risk is abuse from people that don’t agree with the cause or message but that doesn’t matter anyway!
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There are no risks associated with allyship on social media if you make sure you support lots of different groups so that you can keep everyone happy
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Yes, to both the individual and the cause. If not done in an informed, meaningful and appropriate way, allyship can be seen as performative, superficial or virtue signalling
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Learning more about other’s experiences and realities and also how you can effect positive change within yourself and others, is a personal journey of understanding and learning, not an identity you assume or a social status.
What are the benefits of allyship?
Being able to speak for others and receive recognition for it will help you to feel better about yourself, which is good for self-esteem and great if you want to build your online community
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Being an ally is a great way of showing the world that you are a good person and not happy with the current government
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Personal growth and development while pro-actively making a positive difference in the world
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Honest self-reflection and a willingness to change can help us challenge and address our own flaws and to bring about positive change - within ourselves, the people we engage with online and the groups we stand in solidarity with
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