Your gender identity can be the same as your sex at birth or can be the gender you identify with
What does ‘assigned gender’ mean?
A gender assigned to you once you come out as LGBT
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The gender you assign to yourself when you are old enough
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The sex with which a person is assigned at birth
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We are all assigned a gender at birth. Most people are assigned as male or female, depending on the physical characteristics of the child
What is ‘cisgender’?
A person who has no gender at all
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A person whose gender identity changes as they get older
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A person whose gender identity corresponds with their assigned gender at birth
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Cis or cisgender is also an alternative way to describe people who aren’t transgender
What is 'gender binary'?
It’s when you can be two genders at the same time
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Putting two genders together to make a new one
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The classification of gender into two distinct, opposite groups of masculine and feminine
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Gender binary or ‘genderism’ is the view that gender is made up entirely of two disconnected opposites; male and female
What is ‘non-binary’?
Not being attracted to bisexual people
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One new gender that is different from male or female
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Gender identities that do not entirely fall into either male or female identities
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Non-binary is a spectrum of gender identities that are not exclusively masculine and feminine
How would you describe someone who identifies as transgender or trans?
People who try to look gender-neutral
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People who want to create a new gender identity that doesn’t exist yet
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Someone who identifies with a gender different from the gender they were assigned with at birth
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Trans or transgender people identify themselves outside of assigned masculine or feminine genders
What is ‘intersex’?
A completely new gender that nobody has ever seen before
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When you identify with many genders and are attracted to them all
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When you are born with sex characteristics that are different to typical male and female gender definitions
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These differing characteristics can include physical, chemical or hormonal attributes
How would you describe someone who identifies as ‘gender-fluid’?
A person who is taking medicine to change their body’s appearance
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A person who believes all genders are the same and there are no real ‘male’ or ‘female’ genders
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A person who does not identify themselves as having a fixed gender
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Well done, you are correct! Gender-fluid people identify with different genders or none at all
What are gender-neutral pronouns?
Words like, ‘it,’ ‘the’ and ‘that’ - which are neutral
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A neutral perspective of gender
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Words you can use to address someone without assuming or indicating their gender
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They, them and us are all ways of addressing people without using ‘he,’ ‘him’ or ‘she,’ ‘her.’ You can also consider asking someone which pronouns they prefer you use
When should you use gender-neutral pronouns?
All the time, just in case you offend someone
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Just use names, it’s much easier
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If you are asked to, or if you are not sure
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You may be asked to use these pronouns, but if you are not sure, you can use ‘they’ or the person’s name, or just politely ask
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